Wednesday, October 2, 2013

TPJ Welcomes: T. Ngazimbi-Swagger Jacker!

Last week I spent sometime in SoCal which was beyond delightful! I am a secret California girl. I love LA.  Honestly guys,  I had such an amazing time. I went shopping, I sang, and spent time with my family which are all my favorite things. I went for a music conference but got to see my brother Thulani who is also the editor in chief of The Kewrayter. I always tell this guy that he is so stylish...and he really really is. I love every piece of this outfit and I love how he puts things together too! Check out today's swagger jacker!!!!


Bisous Natasha said...

When you said Thulani, I thought no way she must be from Southern Africa ! I looked at your About Me section and you are from Bulawayo. Lami. Ngikhuluma isiNdebele although you know kulesikhathi eside ngibhala ngesiNdebel loool ! Ngafunda e Joburg, then went to Canda and manje since 2009 ngise London.


Natasha Ndlovu

Rebecca Ragionieri said...

look carinissimo (; Reb, xoxo.

* Sul mio blog c'è un nuovo post, fammi sapere cosa ne pensi:


Hey girl! Yes, I'd love to follow you :) I am a secret Cali girl too. Since my boyfriend is from Cali, I visit often and have fallen in love.
